Automatic Writing

Psychography, or automatic writing, is a tool used to help you to tap into the truth of your Soul. Being in an altered state of hypnosis allows you to access your Higher Self, gaining spiritual guidance that will boost your ability to make wise decisions. An automatic writing experience can be life-changing.

Accessing your Soul’s truth is no easy feat, which is why many people require a helping hand along this journey. Susie Juravich will lead you into a deep state of relaxation, where you can communicate directly with the Source, enlightening you with essential knowledge.

Spirit writing doesn’t involve the conscious mind — all that’s needed are a pen, paper, and a guide. Look inside for the answers to your problems, and you might be surprised at the solutions you already hold deep within yourself.

With a specific question addressed to the universe and a blank mind that is ready to receive, you can solve even the most complex conundrum. Shining a light on your deepest troubles will unlock the key to your purest happiness.